Wellenbad n° 2

Wellenbad n°2

Two underwater live concerts in Friesdorfbad Bonn

Pictures by FILMCLUB

Wellenbad n°2 is a double concert with underwater sounds in the ‘Friesi’ Friesdorf swimming pool in Bonn. In two concerts – one during the outdoor swimming season and one in autumn – the functionality of the pool was taken up: In summer, the ‘Friesi’ is a typical and lively outdoor pool with a large sunbathing lawn; in autumn, a warm air dome is stretched over the pool. In the relaxed and leisurely atmosphere of summer, Trio Wellenbad played a three-hour music performance that could be heard just underwater. Only when the guests dived down or put their ear into water they could hear what the trio was playing on their electronic instruments at the edge of the pool. The autumn concert was a contrast, where the sounds could be heard not only underwater but also above water, emphasising the inside space of the air dome.

/// dates

13 July – Summer concert with sounds under water (3h performance)
03 October – Autumn concert with sounds under and above water