Wellenbad n°3

Wellenbad n°3

Underwater live concert and sound installation at Stadtbad Berlin-Neukölln

Pictures by Alexander Borowski

Wellenbad n°3 is a concert of sounds, noises and music under and above water. On October 5, 2024, the small hall of the Stadtbad Berlin-Neukölln was transformed into an atmospheric underwater concert hall. During a total of three concert slots, the audience was able to drift, dive, splash or relax in the warm swimming pool while listening to the music of Trio Wellenbad and guest artist Nina Pixel. The sounds could be heard both under and above the water, creating two sound spaces with completely different characters. While the music above water mingled with the lapping of the water and the reverberation of the swimming pool, the music under water was clear, direct and directionless. The artists deliberately played the two levels with corresponding sounds. By alternating between listening under and above the water, guests could decide for themselves which level they wanted to listen to.

The following day, Trio Wellenbad created an underwater installation with compositions by the Modular Synthesizer Ensemble. The Modular Synthesizer Ensemble is a workshop format for children and young people that was held by Gammon during Superbooth2024. The compositions could be heard underwater while the pool was in operatio

/// dates
05 October – Underwater live concert with Trio Wellenbad and Nina Pixel
06 October – Underwater sound installation with composition of Modular Synthesizer Ensemble (directed by Gammon)